
I have been practising architecture for many years. The idea of architecture first appealed to me in my early high school days and did not diminish. It was then, and has remained a set path in my professional career.

Originally, the fascination with buildings, their size, impression and fundamental place in the visual environment fascinated me. But, over the years the greatness of this vocation became apparent.

Architecture has been known as the “Mother of the Arts” because it encompasses all the skills and attributes of the others; visual, plastic, sculpture and importantly, dance and music. In fact, architecture is the elder sibling of these in that they all rely on rhythm for their true expression.

Another vital aspect of Architecture is its partnership of the Arts and the Sciences. That’s what makes it unique: neither art nor science can be ignored if we want to create true Architecture. The balance of these 2 disciplines is what makes it so interesting and unique. No two projects are ever the same. Each is a challenge to achieve a unique work of art that is practical for human use.

Architecture must work practically in the physical domain while also appealing to the sensorial and emotional realms. At its highest level, Architecture is a transcendent art, in synch with Universal principles of mathematics, ratio and proportions. That is its Beauty.